Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for Adolescents and Families
Who benefits from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)?
DBT is for people who have trouble dealing with intense emotions. A person may have developed coping skills which seem to relieve stress in the short term. However, in the long term this tends to interfere with their quality of life.
DBT group details
This is a virtual DBT group for adolescents (ages 12 through 18 years) and their families. It is held on Tuesdays from 6 to 8pm. It lasts approximately 6 months. This group meets weekly. It is an open ended group which means one can join at anytime. Adolescents can continue to see their own Individual therapist while in this group. However, when DBT was created it contained 2 parts which are done at the same time, individual DBT and group DBT. Thus, many people find great benefit in doing all parts of DBT. We have Individual DBT providers here that you can utilize. However, some people wish to continue with their own, already established, individual therapist and that is okay. To be clear, the adolescents and their parent/s or caregiver/s both attend the group. If the Adolescent also does individual therapy here, family members do not attent these sessions.
To join the group use the email below to sign up for an orientation session. This is a virtual session, that is charged to your insurance where you can learn much more about our program. Otherwise feel free to reach out via email with any questions.
These coping skills may take the form of
- Moodiness
Impulsive risk taking
Chronic interpersonal conflict
Anger outbursts
Self-injurious behavior
Suicide attempts
- Withdrawal from school, family, and social relationships
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skills group teaches you how to more effectively manage intense emotions, addictive behaviors and relationship challenges by teaching skills in these four areas: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance
How does it work?
DBT consists of two parts.
1. A weekly emotional skills training class (group) for adolescents and a parent or caregiver where we focus on:
Mindfulness learning to relax and trust yourself.
Emotional regulation becoming more in control of your emotions.
Distress tolerance learning to cope with problems without creating more of a crisis.
Interpersonal effectiveness creating more rewarding relationships.
2. Weekly individual sessions for the adolescent only, where they learn to apply the skills to their individual situation. Part of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy includes individual therapy each week. In these sessions you get help applying the skills you learn in group. In addition, you get in depth assessment about what gets in the way of using skills. There are also interventions to help with tolerating your emotions, treating trauma as well as solving problems and more. Many of the studies showing the effectiveness of DBT are based on clients utilizing the whole treatment which includes both group and individual DBT.
Nuts and bolts
- Each Tuesday evening, from 6 to 8pm.
This DBT is ongoing, meaning you can join anytime.
This is a Virtual group.
All gender and sexual orientations, ethnicities, races, cultures and socio-economic classes are welcome into this group.
If you need an individual DBT therapist you can see one here, otherwise, you can continue seeing your own individual therapist.
If you are interested or have questions, please call or email.
Kristen Lund, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W.
Email: avc@kristenlund.com
Phone: 612-245-4683
We are in the process of becoming a state and nationally certified clinic.
Kristen Lund, the owner of AVC, has been providing individual and group DBT for over 25 years.
We attend regular DBT consultations.